Saving and Spending Accounts

*Generally, group size is determined by Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) count. Under MLR counts, a group with 50 or less employees is considered a small group. 51 or more employees is considered a large group. Talk to your agent to find out which plan options are available to you based on your group size and service area.

Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)

Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) is a tax-advantaged account that allows both employers and employees to save on the cost of healthcare.
HRA Details:

Health Savings Account (HSA)

Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged member-owned account that allows employees to save pre-tax dollars for future qualified health expenses. Paired with High-Deductible Health Plans, when a group chooses BlueSaver or Blue Connect Savings Plus for their group health coverage, employees can set up a MySmart$averSM HSA that works directly with their plan benefits.


COBRA provides continuing coverage of group health benefits to employees and their families upon certain qualifying events.
COBRA Details:


Cafeteria includes a Premium Only Plan and Flexible Spending Accounts. It is a great way for employees and employers to save money by using tax-free funds to pay for certain eligible expenses.
Cafeteria Details: